If you have tried to purchase tickets but your payment has been declined, or an error message has appeared, please check the following:
- Has the payment gone through with your bank? If so please get in touch with us using the Contact us button
- Did you enter the correct name on the card? This may be a slightly different name to the one you use on your account (for example Kate Smith may be Katherine Smith, or Miss K Smith)
- Do you have sufficient funds on the card? Sometimes there may be payments pending on your account
- Did you give the correct expiry date and 3 digit security code at the point of purchase? Don't rely on autofill, please check each field.
- Have you received any text messages from your bank? Sometimes banks require confirmation of purchase, particularly if it is outside of your usual spending habits. In this case, it’s advisable to attempt the payment on a device other than your mobile phone.
- Have you filled in the correct billing address? You’ll be able to check and change the billing address by going back to the page where you review your order and clicking 'Change billing details'.
- Are you making a payment from abroad? If so, your bank may think the transaction is unusual account activity, please contact them if this is the case.
If you are having other problems making your purchase, you can get in touch with us using the Contact us button.