XCover’s ‘Booking Refund Protection’ - What is it and how do I apply for a refund?

XCover's ‘Booking Refund Protection’ and what it includes

XCover’s ‘Booking Refund Protection’ can be added to your order during checkout and covers you in a number of specific circumstances which can be found here. These are normally more serious circumstances outside your control, such as injuries and accidents, so you won’t be covered if you change your mind about attending. 

Please note that you may need to provide evidence to support your claim (e.g. doctor's notes).

It’s best to start your claim as soon as you realise that you’re not able to attend.

For more information, XCover's Terms and Conditions can be viewed when ordering with us, or from here.


Claiming a refund with XCover

To start your claim with XCover, go to xcover.com/claim. Their claims team prioritises those claims that are filed within 7 days of the claim event.

Claims must be submitted within 45 days of the booked event.

You may need to provide an order ID - this can be found in your confirmation email or in 'Order history' once you log in here.

More information can be found here.


Cancelling XCover’s ‘Booking Refund Protection’

XCover’s ‘Booking Refund Protection’ is non-refundable unless cancelled within 14 days of purchase, and provided that the booking has not taken place. To cancel within this timeframe, get in touch with us using the Contact us button.



Bookings made prior to 29th August 2023

If you bought your tickets before 29th August 2023, please submit a claim through Booking Protect from here.

You can find the date of your booking in your confirmation email or in 'Order history' in your account with us here.